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Logo for Toad Busters - Florida Cane Toad Removal | Serving Vero Beach, FL, Naples, FL, Boca Raton, FL, Palm Beach, FL, Fort Myers, FL, and all Surrounding Areas

Safe & Humane Toad Removal & Prevention  |  Serving Southeast & Southwest Florida

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Toad Busters is the Florida's premier resource for Florida Toad Removal, Cane Toad Removal in Florida, Cane Toad Information, Cane Toad Repellant in Florida, and information on How to Get Rid of Frogs in Florida.

Cane Toad

Photo of a Cane Toad | Toad Busters - Florida Cane Toad Removal | Serving Vero Beach, FL, Naples, FL, Boca Raton, FL, Palm Beach, FL, Fort Myers, FL, and all Surrounding Areas
What Is A Cane Toad?


The cane toad is an invasive species that has made its way across South Florida. Although they generally pose no threat to humans, they have become a nuisance to native wildlife and a significant danger our beloved pets.
When provoked, the cane toad produces a toxin from two glands located behind its shoulders which is comprised of 14 different compounds including the potent 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine.

Don't Learn the Hard Way


An accidental encounter with this toxin (produced for defense), could leave your pet in serious distress or dead.

Let our experienced technicians capture and remove cane toads from your property, thereby reducing the number of adults able to reproduce and decreasing the risk of your pet(s) coming into life-threatening contact with one.

Cane toad secretion | Toad Busters - Florida Cane Toad Removal | Serving Vero Beach, FL, Naples, FL, Boca Raton, FL, Palm Beach, FL, Fort Myers, FL, and all Surrounding Areas

Did You Know?

  • The largest cane toad weighed in at 5 pounds 13 ounces and was nearly 14 inches long from snout to vent, according to Guinness World Records. As a captive pet, it was able to grow much larger than most wild adults—the average cane toad reaches 4 to 6 inches in length.

  • Cane toad poison may have medical uses. Researchers from the University of Queensland (Australia) have found that cane toad poison kills off prostate cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. The team at the university's Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence has received a grant from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Chinese research institute to pursue this lifesaving possibility. 

  • Cane toad poison was once used to coat arrow tips. The Choco Indians of western Colombia used to ‘milk’ toads by placing them in bamboo tubes over an open fire. Concentrated poison trickled into a bottle, and the dangerous substance was smeared over arrowheads and blowgun darts.

  • Cane toads are prolific breeders. Mating season usually takes place after the rainy season. Males gather in groups (knots) near the water and vocalize to attract the larger females.

  • Cane toads love dog and cat food. These opportunistic feeders are not picky. They will devour your pet's food right out of the bowl... as well as anything else that will fit in their mouth. And they swallow their prey whole. 




Cane toads are also known as Bufo toads. Their scientific name is Rhinella marina. They are amphibians with a diet consisting of both plants and other animals (omnivore). Their lifespan in the wild is 5 to 10 years. A group of cane toads is called a knot. Male toads are noisy! They make various vocalizations including a "chirpy" call. 
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