Cuban Treefrog
The Cuban Treefrog negatively impacts our ecosystem in Florida because it is a known predator of native treefrogs, colonizing and taking over natural areas populated by native species. It can even overtake native tadpole's food sources (largely algae) and space.
This poisonous invader isn't a friend to humans either. The Cuban Treefrog releases a toxic mucous that's a potential health hazard to humans, as it can cause an adverse reaction on human skin (that often lasts an hour or more) or trigger an asthma attack.
Don't be surprised to see a Cuban Treefrog in your toilet... they often enter homes through plumbing systems, clogging toilets and sink drains. This frog species is also known to invade bird nesting boxes, which can be a troublesome for wildlife enthusiasts. Their reputation as an invader of electric boxes/utility cabinets is based on known incidences where they've caused power outages and costly damage.
Last but not least, their mating call is not only noisy (think of a squeaky door on repeat!), it occurs year 'round. Good luck trying to sleep with Cuban Treefrogs in residence.
The University of Florida IFAS Extension Service recommends that homeowners actively remove Cuban Treefrogs from their property. When Toad Busters is on your property collecting poisonous toads, we will also collect and remove invasive Cuban treefrogs.
To learn more about this non-native invader, including how to distinguish a Cuban Treefrog from a native treefrog, please click here.